UP ration Card List:@fcs.up.gov.in ,उत्तर प्रदेश राशन कार्ड सूचि 2023 , अपना राशन कार्ड कैसे देखें

|| UP ration Card List | UP ration Card | https://fcs.up.gov.in | ration Card list UP | उत्तर प्रदेश राशन कार्ड सूचि | उत्तर प्रदेश राशन कार्ड सूचि 2023 | राशन कार्ड कैसे देखें | up ration card list 2022 | up ration card list 2021 | APL ration card , BPL ration card , … Read more

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Maharashtra Board HSC 12th Result 2024: MSBSHSE to Announce Results on May 21 at 1 PM


The Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education (MSBSHSE) is all set to announce the Class 12 HSC exam results for the academic year 2024. As per the official announcement, the results will be declared on May 21, 2024, at 1:00 PM. Students who appeared for the HSC exams can check their scorecards … Read more

Solar Panel Subsidy: AC-पंखे चलाएं या फिर जलाएं 10 बल्ब, बिजली बिल आएगा- जीरो, 25 साल तक टेंशन फ्री

Solar Panel Subsidy:-आज के दौर में बढ़ती बिजली की मांग और ऊंचे बिजली बिल ने हर घर और व्यवसाय को प्रभावित किया है। इस समस्या का समाधान सोलर पैनल सिस्टम में निहित है, जो न केवल आपकी बिजली की जरूरतों को पूरा करता है बल्कि आपको 25 साल तक टेंशन फ्री भी रखता है। भारत … Read more

PM Awas Yojana 2024: नए आवेदन फॉर्म हुए शुरू, यहां देखें आवेदन प्रक्रिया, पात्रता एवं आवश्यक दस्तावेजों की जानकारी

PM Awas Yojana 2024:- (PMAY) 2024 के नए आवेदन फार्म अब उपलब्ध हैं। इस योजना का उद्देश्य देश के हर नागरिक को सस्ती और सुरक्षित आवास मुहैया कराना है। यदि आप भी इस योजना का लाभ उठाना चाहते हैं, तो यहां हम आपको आवेदन प्रक्रिया, पात्रता, और जरूरी दस्तावेजों की पूरी जानकारी प्रदान करेंगे। PM … Read more

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Google Enhances Accessibility

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(MSP) न्यूनतम समर्थन मूल्य 2023: Minimum Support Price नई सूची, Pdf MSP,

(MSP) न्यूनतम समर्थन मूल्य 2023

(MSP) न्यूनतम समर्थन मूल्य 2023 |let’s go what is Minimum Support Price | What is the meaning and definition | how to check and download Minimum Support Price |MSP list | Niyuntam Samarthan Mulya 2023 Online Check | Continuous efforts are made by the government for the development of the farmers| For which the government operates various schemes. A minimum price is paid by the Government of India on the purchase of the crop | Kisan Samman Nidhi List |

Minimum support price is related to which sector

minimum support price is related to which sector -minimum support price is related to all the crops generated by farmers and sale to market at minimum rate .the rate which are  decided at minimum .

Today through this article we are provided an important information related to Minimum Support Price  . By reading this article you will be able to know what happens that MSP 2023 . Apart from this, you will also be provided with information related to its purpose, benefits, features, list, eligibility etc. so if you Niyuntam Samarthan Mulye If you want to get complete details, then you are requested to read this article of ours till the end.

(MSP) न्यूनतम समर्थन मूल्य 2023
(MSP) न्यूनतम समर्थन मूल्य 2023

(MSP) न्यूनतम समर्थन मूल्य 2023

Minimum Support Price :-There is a minimum price for any crop which the government provides to the farmers. The crop cannot be bought by the government at a price less than this price. The crop is procured by the government at the minimum price. Currently on 23 crops by the central government Minimum Support Price is paid. Which includes 7 cereals (paddy, wheat, maize, millet, jowar, ragi and barley), 5 pulses (gram, arhar, urad, moong and masoor), 7 oilseeds (rapeseed-mustard, groundnut, soybean, sunflower, sesame, safflower Niger seed). and 4 commercial crops (cotton, sugarcane, copra and raw jute). Check Your Name in Kisan Samman Nidhi List

Minimum Support Price Ensures a subsidized price for farmers and consumers. Based on the recommendations of the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices, the MSC is announced by the government every year for agricultural crops such as cereals, pulses, oilseeds and commercial crops after consideration by the respective state governments and central departments.

Increase in minimum support price

As you all know, the crop is procured from the farmers by the government at the lowest price. So that the crop of any farmer does not get spoiled. A price has been fixed by the government for each crop. Below which that crop is not purchased. It has been decided by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to increase the minimum support price of Rabi crops under Rabi season 2023. So that farmers can get more income. This order has been taken with the aim of promoting legalization of crops. For lentil, gram, barley and safflower flowers, farmers will get higher prices than their cost of production. Apart from this, the minimum support price has been fixed in favor of oilseeds, pulses and coarse cereals.

Minimum support price is provided on 25 major agricultural crops

Through Minimum support price (MSP), a profit of at least 50% on the cost of production is ensured for the farmers. Apart from this, if the farmers If he gets favorable conditions to sell or gets a better price than MSP, then he is free to sell his crops to NGOs. This scheme was started in 1966. Every year the MSP is announced by the government for 25 major agricultural crops. Which includes 14 crops in Kharif season and 7 crops in Rabi season. In 2020-21, 2.04 crore farmers have been benefited through this scheme. This scheme was started with the aim of providing the farmers the right price for their crops. Through this scheme, farmers across the country will become empowered and self-reliant and their standard of living will also improve.

Key Highlights Of Minimum Support Price

Scheme NameMinimum Support Price
who startedCentral government
beneficiaryfarmers of the country
ObjectiveProviding the right price for the crop to the farmers
official websiteclick here

Main objective of minimum support price

Minimum Support Price It has been started with the aim of providing the farmers the right price for their crops. A minimum price is fixed by the government for about 25 crops. The price below which the crop cannot be bought. This scheme will prove effective in getting the farmers the right price for their crops. Apart from this, farmers will also become empowered and self-reliant through this scheme. The minimum support price scheme will also prove effective in improving the standard of living of the farmers. Apart from this, the crop will also be able to reach the consumers at the right prices. This price is declared by the government every year on the basis of the recommendations of the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices.

Crops covered under Minimum Support Price






6.commercial crop

    • raw jute

Benefits and features of Minimum Support Price (MSP)

  • Minimum Support Price is the minimum price for any crop that the government provides to the farmers.
  • The crop cannot be bought by the government at a price less than this price.
  • The crop is procured by the government at the minimum price. At present the minimum support price is paid by the central government on 23 crops.
  • In which 7 cereals, 5 pulses, 7 oilseeds and 4 commercial crops are included.
  • Minimum Support Price ensures a subsidized price to farmers and consumers.
  • Based on the recommendations of the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices, the government decides every year on prices of cereals, pulses, oilseeds and commercial crops. agricultural crops MSC is announced after due consideration by the concerned State Governments and Central Departments.
  • Through MSP, a profit of at least 50% on the cost of production is ensured for the farmers.
  • Apart from this, if farmers get favorable terms to sell their produce or get better price than MSP, then they are free to sell their crops to NGOs.
  • This scheme was started in 1966.
  • Every year the MSP is announced by the government for 25 major agricultural crops.
  • Which includes 14 crops in Kharif season and 7 crops in Rabi season.
  • In 2020-21, 2.04 crore farmers have been benefited through this scheme.
  • This scheme was started with the aim of providing the farmers the right price for their crops.
  • Through this scheme, farmers across the country will become empowered and self-reliant and their standard of living will also improve.

Minimum Support Price for Rabi Season 2023

CropMSP for RMS 2021-22MSP for RMS 2023Production cost * 2023Increase in MSP (Entire)ROI (in percentage)
Lentil Dal51005500307940079
Canola and Mustard465050502523400100
Sunflower seeds53275441362711450

Minimum Support Price provided by the government

commodity     Variety2010-112011-122012-132013-142014-152015-162016-172017-182018-192019-202020-212021-22
kharif crop             
Grade ‘A’103011101280134514001450151015901770183518881960 
High tidehybrid8809801500150015301570162517002430255026202738
Millet 8809801175125012501275133014251950200021502250
table 8809801175131013101325136514251700176018501870
ragi 96510501500150015501650172519002897315032953377
Arhar 300032003850430043504625^5050^^5450^5675580060006300
Moong 317035004400450046004850^5225^^5575^6975705071967275
urad 290033004300430043504625^5000^^5400^5600570060006300
cottonMedium Staple250028003600370037503800386040205150525555155726
long staple300033003900400040504100416043205450555058256025 
Groundnut 2300270037004000400040304220*4450^4890509052755550
sunflower seed 2350280037003700375038003950*4100*5388565058856015
niger seed,2450290035003500360036503825*4050*5877594066956930
rabi crop             
Wheat 112012851350140014501525162517351840192519752015
Rapeseed and Mustard,1850250030003050310033503700*4000*4200442546505050
other crops             
(calendar year)ball47004775535055005500583062406785775099201030010600
De Husked Coconut 120012001400142514251500160017602030257127002800
Jute 157516752200230024002700320035003700395042254500

Minimum Support Price Login Process

(MSP) न्यूनतम समर्थन मूल्य 2023
(MSP) न्यूनतम समर्थन मूल्य 2023 LIST
  • then on the official website login option Click on
  • Now a new login page will open in front of you
  • Now state nodal officer enter his state and password and click on login option

important link

Minimum Support Price Contact Details

Department of Food and Public Distribution

Ministry of consumer affairs, food and public distribution department

Krishi bhavan

New Delhi-110001

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