||TAFCOP| TAFCOP Portal | tafcop.dgtelecom.gov.in| TAF-COP |taf cop Portal | tafcop dgtelecom | tafcop consumer portal | check the number of mobile SIMs | KNOW YOUR MOBILE CONNECTIONS ||
TAFCOP Portal:- TAFCOP is stand for Telecom Analytics for Fraud Management and Consumer Protection (TAF-COP) Portal for subscribers and protect their interests in ensuring reduction of frauds.
Government of India has initially launched the Tafcop portal (tafcop.dgtelecom.gov.in ) initiative by The Department of Telecommunications (DoT) to empower mobile subscribers, strengthen their security and increase awareness about citizen centric initiatives of the Government .

Whether you’re going to take wifi connection is any other work mostly we are using our Adhere card for verification. Where we are submitted Aadhar card with self attached, in most of cases ,we are put our identity at risk. To seen this issues of public and make more secure from fraud with their identify proof, government of India has launched the taf cop Portal .
Now days we all have to very important to save our personal data/ information and identify proof to avoid fraud. In the era of digital world we have to become very smarter to secure you personal information. for this thing you have to updated every time with new technology . Here tafcop portal is play very important role in save you from misused of Aadhar card from any other to taking sim card on your identity card .
Here are all detail about Tafcop , which are need to know everyone such as how to check , Registered Online Connection on TAFCOP Portal 2025, tafcop consumer portal ,Objective and many more . To get more and detail information please read : TAFCOP Portal Login: tafcop.dgtelecom.gov.in, Check Active SIM, Status 2024
What is the Objective of the TAFCOP Portal/ tafcop dgtelecom?
Here are some important information and objective of TAFCOP Portal which should be known to everyone.
The aim of TAFCOP website is to facilitate a mobile subscriber to check the number of mobile.
1 | Connections taken in his/her name tafcop consumer portal is also facilitates to report the mobile connection(s) which are either not required or not taken by the subscriber. |
2 | User can check the number of connection to taken in his/her name from sitting at home |
3 | The aim of this website is to reduce the fraud related to sim card connection. This portal are only allow to 9 connection of sim card on a same ID card. |
4 | Due to this portal criminal case are reduce related to fake release of SIM card .because this portal is give alert to the registered mobile number when an connection are taken on your sim card . |
What Services TAFCOP Portal Offer?
The tafcop portal is offer many facility to the users related to the sim card checking and identify card used on sim card connection . Here are the following Services offer by TAFCOP Portal show under :-
• This tafcop consumer portal is send alert through SMS to customers or subscribers ,who have more than nine multiple connections of sim card on signal identity card .
• This portal provided option to take action , when more than nine multiple connections are taken .
• Here we can Checking the status requires logging in with a mobile number.
• This portal also provide facility to disconnect the mobile number which are not taken by you.
What Documents are Required for TAFCOP Portal?
There are following documents are required For TAFCOP Portal 2025.
• Aadhaar Card
• Mobile Number
• Email ID
• Permanent Resident Certificate
How to Check a Registered Online Connection on TAFCOP Portal 2025
Many case are raised to the government related fake sim card allotment by using someone other ID card whereas Most of the criminal case found. To seen this problem Government of India launched a portal through the Department of Telecommunication, where you can easily check the number of mobile SIMs linked with your Aadhaar card.
You have to follow the step by step process which is given to check the number of mobile SIMs linked with your Aadhaar card.
• First of all you have to , visit the official website at https://tafcop.dgtelecom.gov.in .

• When home page will open ,you will see two options “BLOCK YOUR LOST/STOLEN MOBILE” and ” KNOW YOUR MOBILE CONNECTIONS“.

• Now you will go for the option the “Know your connections “If you want to check number of connections you have in your name.

• After that enter your mobile number and then, enter the provided captcha code, and click on “Validate Captcha”
• Now you are receive an OTP on your registered mobile number.
• Now inter received OTP in given section and Click on “Login” .
• After clicking on login button , you will see all mobile number which are get connected your Aadhar card on the screen .
• Here we are get an option of select the numbers that are not necessary and also an option of report to discontinue the mobile number .
Note :– Initially tafcop is running on https://tafcop.dgtelecom.gov.in .link , but now government is launched the new website of Sanchar Saathi at www.sancharsaathi.gov.in. here we are get all detail related KNOW YOUR MOBILE CONNECTIONS (TAFCOP) and BLOCK YOUR LOST/STOLEN MOBILE (CEIR) .
Tafcop Portal | sancharsaathi.gov.in |
Visit Our Portal | Click here |
Is Tafcop real or fake?
Tafcop portal is real facilities of government