|| Sanchar Saathi | Sanchar Saathi portal | sancharsaathi.gov.in| CEIR | TAFCOP | TAFCOP Portal | tafcop.dgtelecom.gov.in | What is (KYM) | IMEI | *#06# | KYM app ,what is Sanchar Saathi portal ||
Sanchar Saathi is an integrated citizen-centric web portal of the Department of Telecommunications, which was launch in 16 may 2023 by the government to offering services to the public of India. This is a very important and functioning website that combines TAFCOP and CEIR functions. sancharsaathi.gov.in is the official website for this portal .In this article, we are discuss about Sanchar Saathi portal in detail like Highlights, objectives, Services Provided, Procedure to Check Registered Online Connection, login, How this portal work, what is Sanchar Saathi portal work, how helpful to every people to resolve their problem-related mobile and sim card . To know more about Sanchar Saathi portal please visit to official website https://sancharsaathi.gov.in/ .
You have to Read this article till the end to get full information about this portal working and functioning.
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What is the Sanchar Saathi portal?
SancharSaathi is an integrated citizen-centric web portal of the Department of Telecommunications ,where two different citizen-centric modules are present. It has various modules like TAFCOP, CEIR. Sanchar Saathi portal is a government portal, which are operated by the Department of Telecommunications of Indian government and his main is to facilitate to the general public on regular basis . TAFCOP Portal help sim consumer to check the number of active mobile connections under their names. The Indian government launched the TAFCOP Portal for general customers to quickly finding the mobile numbers ,which are registered with their names and to take the appropriate action to regarding connection.
This Website content managed by Department of Telecommunications, Ministry of Communications, GoI and Designed, Developed and Hosted by Centre for Development of Telematics (C-DOT) , this portal is totally government.
SancharSaathi दूरसंचार विभाग का एक एकीकृत नागरिक केंद्रित वेब पोर्टल है जहां दो अलग-अलग केंद्रित मॉड्यूल मौजूद हैं। इसमें TAFCOP, CEIR जैसे दो विभिन्न मॉड्यूल मौजूद हैं। संचार साथी पोर्टल एक सरकारी पोर्टल है, जो भारत सरकार के दूरसंचार विभाग द्वारा संचालित किया जाता है और इसका मुख्य उद्देश्य आम जनता को नियमित रूप से सुविधा प्रदान करना है। TAFCOP पोर्टल जो की सिम उपभोक्ता को उनके नाम के तहत सक्रिय मोबाइल कनेक्शन की संख्या की जांच करने में मदद करता है। भारत सरकार ने सामान्य ग्राहकों के लिए TAFCOP पोर्टल लॉन्च किया, जो उनके नाम के साथ पंजीकृत मोबाइल नंबरों को जल्दी से खोजने और कनेक्शन के संबंध में उचित कार्रवाई करने के लिए है। वही पर CEIR एक दूसरा पोर्टल है जो खोया हुआ मोबाइल को ढूढ़ने या उसको लॉक करने में मदद करता है ये दोनों पोर्टल पहले अलग अलग हुआ था लेकिन अब दौड़ने को एक ही प्लेटफार्म पर कर दिया गया है जिससे के सिटिज़न को आसानी ही जाये.
Sanchar Saathi today updated news
As per the recorded from Sanchar Saathi official website https://sancharsaathi.gov.in/ . they are provided the two information.
- Where one of them is CEIR whose direct link is https://ceir.sancharsaathi.gov.in/Home/index.jsp ,which are work for mobile block and mobile traced .Till today following number of mobile are block and traced shown below in picture.

2. Another function is TAFCOP whose direct link is https://tafcop.sancharsaathi.gov.in/telecomUser/ . which are work for “Know the number of connections issued in your name by logging in using your mobile number” . Till today following number of mobile number of connections issued requested and resolve shown below in picture.

TAFCOP is a module , where a mobile subscriber can check the number of mobile connections taken in his/her name. It also facilitates reporting the mobile connection(s) ,which are either not required or not taken by the subscriber.

CEIR is a module for tracing the lost/stolen mobile devices. This also facilitates for blocking of lost/stolen mobile devices in network of all telecom operators so that lost/stolen devices cannot be used in India. If anyone tries to use the blocked mobile phone, its traceability is generated.
Once mobile phone is found it may be unblocked on the portal for its normal use by the citizens. This is very helpful to citizens at the condition of stolen or lose of mobile phone .This portal has used by everyone which are safe from fraud and risk free at time of lose of mobile number.
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Sancharsaathi.gov.in Portal Details in Highlights
Article Category | Central Government Scheme |
Portal Name | Sanchar saathi Portal |
Objective | To know mobile connection, Trace stolen and lose devices |
Introduced | Department of Telecommunications |
Beneficiaries | Telecom Subscribers ,CEIR & TAFCOP Registered Connection |
Benefits | To find stolen mobile , to know mobile connection |
Mode | Online |
Launching year | 2023 |
Portal status | ACTIVE |
Two services work | Tafcop & CEIR portal |
Official Website | sancharsaathi.gov.in |
Objectives of Sanchar Saathi Portal
The Sanchar Saathi portal will active with two operation of CEIR & TAFCOP ,this is combination of both services at one place of official website sancharsaathi.gov.in , Where CEIR services are enable the easy way to traceability of stolen/ lost mobile phones. under this process ,It will block the IMEI number of such mobile phones ,which are reported for stolen, the given service network operators will blacklist that particular device and lock the phone . Due to this function of CEIR portal it protect consumer data and reduce the chances of misuse of the inserted SIM cards and stolen or loose device.

Where as TAFCOP is other services ,which are work for find the number of active mobile connections under a consumer names and in taking the necessary action to regularize any unknown other mobile connections they may have. This will save the consumers from fraud. TAFCOP is a new module where a mobile subscriber can check the number of mobile connections taken in his/her name. this portal also facilitates to report the mobile connection which are either not required or not taken by the subscriber.
TAFCOP एक अन्य सेवाएं हैं जो एक उपभोक्ता के नाम के तहत सक्रिय मोबाइल कनेक्शनों की संख्या का पता लगाने और उनके पास मौजूद किसी भी अज्ञात अन्य मोबाइल कनेक्शन को नियमित करने के लिए आवश्यक कार्रवाई करने के लिए काम करती हैं।TAFCOP के इस फंक्शन से उपभोक्ता ठगी से बचेंगे। TAFCOP एक नया मॉड्यूल है जहां एक मोबाइल ग्राहक अपने नाम पर लिए गए मोबाइल कनेक्शन की संख्या की जांच कर सकता है। यह पोर्टल उन मोबाइल कनेक्शनों की रिपोर्ट करने की सुविधा भी देता है जिनकी या तो आवश्यकता नहीं है या सब्सक्राइबर द्वारा नहीं लिया गया है। tafcop बहुत ही उपयोगी सेवाएं देता जो की सरकार द्वारा चलाया जाता है इस की official वेबसाइट sancharsaathi.gov.in है और डायरेक्ट लिंक https://tafcop.sancharsaathi.gov.in/telecomUser/ है

What is IMEI?
IMEI stands for International Mobile Equipment Identity. This is a unique 15-digit code which are assigned to every mobile phone or smart phone. The IMEI number is used to identify the device correctly and which are shown as a sticker on the back of the phone, or can also be find by dialing *#06# on the phone’s keypad.
The IMEI number is very important for a number of reasons. It can be used to track a stolen phone, and also to block a lost or stolen phone from being used on a mobile network. Additionally, the IMEI number is used by mobile networks to identify and authenticate devices, and this can be used to blacklist a phone that has been reported as lost or stolen.
How to know/find your phone’s IMEI number?
The IMEI number is used to identify the mobile device correctly and this IMEI number shown as a sticker on the back of the phone, or it can also be find by dialing *#06# on the phone’s keypad.
Documents Required for CEIR report
If any one want to block the lost/ stolen phone, they have to complaint or fill a form same at the concerned police station. FIR copy is compulsory for stolen mobile device, there are some other documents required for the process have been enlisted below.
- ID Proof, such as Aadhaar Card, Voter ID, Driving License, etc.
- Copy of the registered FIR
- Device purchase invoice
How to Check Registered Online Connection on TAFCOP Portal
To check any mobile number on TAFCOP Portal, the new users needs to follow the below-given steps:-
• First of all, you have to go to the official website of TAFCOP i.e. https://www.sancharsaathi.gov.in/. sanchar saathi home page look like this show below .

• Now scroll down to home page.
• Now click on option “Know Your Mobile Connections “

• When you are click on “Know Your Mobile Connections “Option , you are redirected to new webpage https://tafcop.sancharsaathi.gov.in/telecomUser/

• Now Enter your mobile number at the given place.
• After that, click on the Request for OTP button.
• Then An OTP will be sent to your registered mobile number.
• Enter the received OTP.
• And also inter captcha code displayed in the image below
• When we click on the Validate button.
• After successful verification, the registered online connections will open .
Also Read :- TAFCOP Portal
What is (KYM) stand for ?
KYM full form is known your mobile. Through this KYM, you can check the validity of your mobile device even before buying. Where IMEI is play an important role. Which is written on the mobile packaging box? It could be found on the mobile bill/invoice. From your mobile you can check the IMEI number by dialing *#06#, IMEI number will be shown on your mobile screen. If the status of the mobile is shown as Black-listed, duplicate or already in use, Please avoid buying the mobile. KYM could be used through any of the following 3 methods.
SMS Process For KYM Verification
SMS process is very easy where we have to send the SMS in given format. now you have to
Type KYM <15 digit IMEI number> from your mobile and send the SMS to 14422.
KYM app
Other method is KYM app through which everyone can complete this process ,under which you have to
Download the KYM app from Play Store (for Android) or from App Store (for iOS) and follow the required process to complete the task and know your mobile . to download visited to provided link https://www.ceir.gov.in/Request/CeirRequestAppLink.jsp

Web portal
Through web portal you can know you mobile detail by providing mobile number .
To use the web portal, of sanchar saathi click here.
By using any one of these three process you can know your mobile (KYM) and you do very easily KYM verification process.
Step by step process :How to block lost mobile phones on The CEIR Portal?
If you are loosed your mobile phone or is stolen, then you have to apply for blocking the stolen mobile through the sanchar saathi portal. The procedure for the apply request are given below below.
Step I:- First, of all you have to visit the official website of the sanchar saathi Portal https://sancharsaathi.gov.in/ .

Its homepage will appear in the following manner. On the menu bar, you will see an option for ““Citizen Centric Services”Services”. Click on it.
Section 1: Device Information.
a) Mobile Number
b) IMEI Number
c) Device Brand
d) Device Model
e) Mobile Purchase Invoice

Section 2:- Lost Information.
a) Place where the device is lost/ stolen
b) Date when the device was lost
c) State
d) District
e) Registered Police Station
f) Police Complaint Number
g) Copy of Police Compliant

Section 3:- Mobile Owner Personal Details.
a) Owner Name
b) Address
c) Copy of ID Proof
d) Email ID
e) Mobile Number

Step IV:- After filling up all the details, tick the checkbox of Self-Declaration, if you agree. Click on the “Submit” button.
Step V:- An application/ request ID will be generated for your application, keep it safe. The authorities will block the concerned mobile set after verification.
How to Unblock Your Phone ON CEIR Portal
If someone have got there stolen mobile and want to Unblock Your Phone ON CEIR Portal . there are step by step process to Unblock Your Phone given below.
• First of all you have to visit the official website CEIR Portal https://ceir.sancharsaathi.gov.in/Home/index.jsp#. New home page will open, where you have to scroll down and click on “Un-Block Found Mobile” show in image below.

• As you are click on the “Un-Block Found Mobile” , you are redirected to the provided link https://ceir.sancharsaathi.gov.in/Request/CeirUserUnblockRequestDirect.jsp , now new page will open , where yo have to request for Un-Block Found Mobile , shown in image below.

• Now inter you ID number which are provided at time of blocking the phone.
• Enter you Mobile number, which are providing at time blocking for OTP.
• Write reason for unblocking.
• Now submit the request.
• After that you phone will un-block.
What is Unsolicited Commercial Communication (UCC)
Unsolicited Commercial Communication (UCC), also known as spam, refers to the practice of sending promotional or advertising messages to individuals or businesses without their prior consent or request. These communications are usually sent via email, text messages, phone calls, or any other form of electronic communication.
How to register a complaint or report ?
- First of all Sending SMS to short code 1909, or
- you can Calling on 1909, or
- may Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS), or
- Mobile app developed in this regard either by the Authority or by any other person or entity and approved by the Authority, or
- you can also used Web portal with authentication through One Time Password (OTP), or
- Any other means as may be notified by the Authority from time to time.
Updates on Sanchar Saathi
Union Minister for Communications, Electronics & IT Mr. Ashwini Vaishnaw, launched a new portal of citizen-centric portal called ‘Sanchar Saathi‘ on16 may 2023. The main aims of portal is to provide various reforms and many important services related to mobile connections and telecommunications. This new service which can be accessed at its offical website sancharsaathi.gov.in. Sanchar Saathi portal is highlighted three significant reforms .The first is the Central Equipment Identity Register (CEIR), second is called Know Your Mobile (KYM) and third is Artificial Intelligence & Facial Recognition (ASTR) powered solution for telecom SIM subscriber verification.
How to download Sanchar Saathi App ?
Government of India has launched the Sanchar Saathi App for the citizen through which we can take benefits of this very easily. A important features offered by the Sanchar Saathi portal is the Central Equipment Identity Register (CEIR). This Sanchar Saathi App is designed to track and block lost or stolen mobile phones located anywhere in the country. if any one want to use this feature, they have need to complete an identity verification process as a prerequisite. Once it get verified, the portal will work with law enforcement agencies and telecom service providers to block lost or stolen mobile device. you can also download Sanchar Saathi App directly from Google store at provided link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sancharsaathiapp.tafcopsanchar&hl=en&gl=US

Keep yourself aware
Keep yourself aware is a portion of Sanchar Saathi which are provided the information for aware from some of the services to citizen. under this Keep yourself aware section government are aware the public by 5 way of points given below.
- know your mobile (KYM)

- Unsolicited Commercial Communication

- PM WANI, Towers and Radiation
- Cyber Awareness, Reporting and Cyber Swachhta Kendra
- International calls with Indian number
These 5 things are provided good knowledge
Sanchar Saathi Portal has a section of In social media ,where we are get updated and connect to portal updates information and many of other comment from citizen. there are 3 media where this portal is register for public.
- you tube

Important Link
Official Website of CEIR Portal | Click here |
Request to block lost/ stolen mobile device | Click here |
Request to unblock the recovered phone easly | Click here |
Check Request Status | Click here |
Download the KYM Mobile app – Android only | Click here |
Download the KYM Mobile app- iOS only | Click here |
IMEI Number Verification | Click here |
Q. What is Sanchar Saathi?
Ans. SancharSaathi is an integrated citizen-centric web portal that is operated by the Department of Telecommunications wherein different citizen-centric modules are present. It works on two modules like TAFCOP, CEIR, etc.
Q. What is tafcof module of the SancharSaathi portal?
Ans. TAFCOP is one of the modules where a mobile subscriber can check the number of mobile connections acquired in his/her name. It also facilitates reporting the mobile connection which is either not required by the subscriber.
Q. What is CEIR?
Ans. CEIR is the citizen-centric portal of the Department of Telecommunications for tracing lost/stolen mobile. This has also facilitated for blocking of lost/stolen mobile devices in the network of all telecom operators so that lost/stolen devices can not be used in India. If anyone tries to use the blocked mobile phone, its traceability is generated. Once a mobile phone is found it may be unblocked on the portal for its normal use by the citizens.
Are Sanchar Saathi portal is government website?
Yes, the Sanchar Saathi portal is a government portal, which is operated by the Department of Telecommunications of the Indian government.
How to block a lost/stolen mobile ?
to block a lost / stolen mobile by visiting to this official portal sancharsaathi.gov.in and choose option CEIR and fill all required data as per portal and attached documents like , police FIR copy ,Aadhar card , mobile number etc.
How to unblock a blocked phone ?
To unblock a lost/stolen phone the user has to report to local Police and fill
request registration form for unblocking the IMEI of found phone.
After submitting the form, the IMEI of found phone will be unblocked.
When is Sanchar Saathi portal launched ?
Sanchar Saathi portal is launched by Union Minister for Communications, Electronics & IT Mr. Ashwini Vaishnaw, 16 may 2023.
This article is all about Sanchar Saathi with full deatil of its working process and benefit to publics here we are learn what is Sanchar Saathi portal , sancharsaathi.gov.in,CEIR,TAFCOP , TAFCOP Portal ,tafcop.dgtelecom.gov.in , What is (KYM) , IMEI, *#06# , KYM app ,what is Sanchar Saathi portal. if you learn something from this article please share to you friends .
Howmany connection in my name
I have giddyness about to learn.its’not easy to understand.i want to know how many connections are in my name.but ican’t understand which site can show me the details
I am also want to know, how much devices working in my documents?
कृपया ध्यान दे आपका ये प्रयास ग्राहकों के किसी काम का नही है क्योंकि अधिकांश पुलिस स्टेशन मे मोबाइल चोरी या खो जाने की रिपोर्ट दर्ज ही नही होती है
how many cards are active in my simple